Your Lunar Pulse by Sign & Phase

Your Lunar Pulse by Sign & Phase

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Your natal lunar energy symbolizes:

  • What you need
  • Your emotions
  • How you feel nurtured & nourished
  • How you feel safe

For example, if you have an Aries Moon, what you need is Aries things. An Aries Moon would deeply need a sense of competition to feel a sense of "I won". How would this look in real life? If you have a child with Aries Moon, engage them in their homework by finishing first. Have an employee with Aries Moon? Invite then to take lead on a project that needs to be done quickly, and offer a reward for a job well done. 

Aries Moon is about emotionally working in Aries ways. Aries represents the Self, so putting self first - some might consider that selfish but for Aries it is an emotional need to get what you want in a very direct way - demanding what you want, even. Aries doesn't cover things up. Everyone knows how an Aries feels.

Aries Moon gains nourishment from Aries things.

Aries Moon feels safe from Aries things.

Aries Moon might get nurtured and feel safe by initiating. Aries is a cardinal sign, know for leadership.

Aries Moon might need to grow in the department of impatience, "I know what I want and I want it now". There are many great things about Aries Moon people: they get things done. They go for it and if they need to adjust afterward then so be it. They are not lazy. They are passionate about their needs and if your needs align with theirs, then that could be a recipe for a lot of fun.

Moon in Aries likely has a mother who is very independent, took risks, was perhaps self-interested.

All of the Moon Signs have unconscious and conscious material. This report will illuminate these things. Awareness is key! 

This report is approximately 2,000 words, cast by Aimee (not AI) and goes into great detail about:

  • Your natal lunar sign
  • Your natal lunar house
  • Your natal lunar phase
  • Your natal lunar aspects
  • Your natal lunar numerology
  • Your natal lunar ruler by house

Your natal lunar placement shows you exactly how to manifest your greatest dreams and wishes. If you don't know what your moon wants, you only have a portion of the story on what makes you happy.